Hi! I am Sekinat Alao and I help women live a more joyful and purposeful life. The thing is I strongly believe that if everyone is living true to themselves and at their highest potential in their careers, businesses and relationships, the world would truly be a better place.

I am a life design coach and I help women design their lives to crush overwhelm and a lack of clarity.

I am a podcaster at the Radiant woman podcast; a podcast focused on encouraging woman to lead radiant, purposeful and intentional lives.

I am also building a community (Nisabaah on IG), where we believe that well-being is central to true success (which is attaining goodness in this life and the hereafter)

My sojourn into motherhood 4 years ago triggered something in me. I started a journey of getting to know myself in order to live a life true to myself, not what is expected of me. I am on a journey to living my ‘why’ and I hope I can inspire you to live yours too.

I am big on love, self-growth, relationships, and spirituality. I also care a lot about justice, ethics, and values. In my spare time, I love a good sleep, reading a book or signing up for events that tug at my creativity.

If you would like to ditch overwhelm, get clarity on your dreams; and create a system that will help you towards progression and getting better everyday then I invite you start with subscribing to my Radiant letters.